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福州大学厦门工艺美术学院是福州大学重点建设的学院之一,学院成立于1952年,现有两个院区,老院区坐落于国家AAAAA景区的鼓浪屿,新院区位于集美区大学城。学院现有美术学、设计学2个一级学科硕士授权点(设计学为福建省高原学科);有艺术硕士、工业设计工程2个专业型硕士学位授权点。设有9个本科专业:视觉传达设计、环境设计、工艺美术、工业设计、产品设计、服装与服饰设计、数字媒体艺术、绘画、雕塑。学院现有在校生3076人,教职工216人,其中专任教师148人。经过几代人的长期努力,学院在人才培养、科研、社会服务、国际合作等方面取得了显著的成绩。师生获得全国美展金、银、铜、优秀奖;获得红点奖、IF奖项;英国皇家染色家协会国际纺织服装设计大赛亚军;中美创客大赛一二三等奖;全国大学生工业设计大赛金银铜奖;中国包装之星金奖;“金海豚”国际动漫节金银铜奖;中国大学生游戏设计金辰奖银奖;中国大学生广告艺术节金奖等诸多国际及全国性展赛奖项;在第十三届全国美展中,我院师生30件作品入选,其中3件进京作品。学院创办了“创新研究型拔尖人才培养实验班”,探索建立“大设计”语境下拔尖创新人才培养的新模式,取得了省级教学成果奖。近五年来学院获批国家社科基金项目、国家艺术基金、省厅级科研项目数十项;学院拥有4个省级科研平台和4个省级教学中心(基地)及团队;学院为国家非物质文化遗产传承人群研培单位,已举办7期研习培训班。学院注重以社会服务为导向提升自身建设水平,学院的作品陈列于人民大会堂福建厅和台湾厅;本地区多件地标性雕塑作品均为我院创作,如厦门的地标性雕塑“白鹭女神”、鼓浪屿“闽海雄风”群雕、环岛路马拉松群雕等等。 学院积极推进国际化办学水平,先后与法国伽利略教育集团、德国莱茵曼应用技术大学、英国创意艺术大学、俄罗斯莫斯科工艺艺术科学院、韩国公州大学、韩国韩南大学等院校签订合作协议,近几年每年选送学生到境外高校访学交流,目前在校境外生40人。学院将继续秉承福州大学“明德至诚,博学远志”的校训,坚持术学并重,朝着建设“亚洲知名、国内一流,以传统工艺美术与现代创意设计为特色的艺术学院”的目标迈进。

Fuzhou University is one of the national key universities that are selected into the “211 Project”  and "Double First-class" initiative, which have been launched by the Chinese government to support selected universities in achieving world-class standing. Fuzhou University is an university jointly established by the People's Government of Fujian Province and the Ministry of Education, the People's Government of Fujian Province and the State Administration of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense. Fuzhou University has developed into a key university with a focus on science and engineering, and coordinated development of science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law, and art. With 21 colleges, Fuzhou University boasts a total enrollment of 24164 full-time students, 10500 graduate students toward a master’s degree and doctoral candidates. There are 3,161 faculty members and 2050 full-time teachers and researchers. Fuzhou University has 11 doctoral degree programmes for the first-rank disciplines, 2 doctoral degree programmes for the second-rank disciplines, 39 master's degree programmes for the first-rank disciplines and 12 professional degree programmes and 84 undergraduate degree programmes.

Xiamen Academy of Arts and Design is one of the key colleges of Fuzhou University. The college was established in 1952, which has two campuses. The old campus is located in Gulangyu Island, the national AAAAA scenic spot, and the new campus is located in Jimei District. The College has two master's degree programs in art and design (design program is a key discipline in Fujian Province). There are two professional master's degree programs in art design and industrial design engineering. There are 9 undergraduate programmes: visual communication, environmental design, arts and crafts, industrial design, product design, fashion design, digital media art, painting, sculpture. The college currently has 3,076 students and 216 faculty members, including 148 full-time teachers. After several generations of long-term efforts, the college has made remarkable achievements in personnel skill training, academic research, social services, and international cooperation. Teachers and students won the National Art Exhibition Gold, Silver, Copper, Excellence Awards; Red Dot Award, IF Award; Runner-up of the Royal Textile Dyers Association International Textile and Apparel Design Competition; China-US Chuangke Competition 1st and 2nd Prize; National Undergraduate Industrial Design Competition Gold and Silver Bronze Award; China Packaging Star Gold Award; "Golden Dolphin" International Animation Festival Gold and Silver Bronze Award; China University Student Game Design Gold Award Silver Award; China University Student Advertising Arts Festival Gold Award, and many other international and national exhibition awards; In the 13th National Art Exhibition, 30 paintings of teachers and students from our school were selected, and 3 of them were in the final competition. The college has established the "Innovative Research-oriented Talent Training Experimental Class", explored the establishment of a new model of innovative talent training under the context of "big design", and won the provincial teaching achievement award. In the past five years, the college has been approved by the National Social Science Fund Project, the National Art Fund, and provincial and provincial research projects. The college has 4 provincial-level scientific research platforms and 4 provincial-level teaching centers and teams. The Institute is a research and development unit for the national intangible cultural heritage, and has held 7 training courses. The college pays attention to the social service in order to enhance its own academic level. The paintings of the college are displayed in the Fujian Hall and the Taiwan Hall of the Great Hall of the People. Many landmark sculptures in the region are created by our institute, such as the landmark sculpture "Egret Goddess" in Xiamen, Gulangyu “Bohai Xiongfeng” group sculpture, round-the-island marathon group sculpture and so on. The college promotes the level of international education, and has signed cooperation agreements with Galileo Global Education (French), Rheinmann University of Applied Sciences (German), University for the Creative Arts (UK), Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry, Kongju National University (Korea), and Hannam University (Korea). In recent years, the college is positively engaged in promoting the student exchanges program with oversea universities, there are currently 40 foreign students in our college. The college will continue to adhere to the motto of Fuzhou University, the emphasis on academic research and towards the goal of “Asian well-known, domestic first-class art college featuring traditional arts and crafts and modern creative design”.

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